New Characters

The writing process has begun...

Me and my sister have been brainstorming ideas for the characters that will be a part of the mob. I'm planning on there being eight or nine kangaroos in the group. They will each have a unique visual design. So far we have five character ideas:


Bouncer will be a young kangaroo who still has a lot to learn and is eager to. He will always try his best to keep the peace and be nice. He'll be helpful but by no means selfless. He'll regard his mob highly and hope for their survival and success. He will learn what it takes to lead a group of animals and the pain that comes with caring. That's the default at least. There will be choices you can make but, depending on how much time I'm willing to spend on it, the choices may only be minor. 


Hopper will be Bouncer's age and will look to him as a big brother. He will be a bit absent minded often finding it hard to come up with his own decisions. He will approach things with good humour as long as it's not too heavy. If you help him he will learn to be less reliant on others and he'll realise more of his potential.


Pouncer will be Bouncer's mother. She won't take herself too seriously, will be very true to herself and will always say what's on her mind.  She likes her place in the world and will be satisfied by helping however she can. She might care too much but that would only be a problem if the world was perfect. 


Bobber will be the eldest of the group. He will have lived an interesting life wherein he has learnt a lot. He will be nearing his death and because of this will make it his goal to pass on his knowledge. He will try to recount some of this in the form of stories. 


Bounder will be the alpha male and leader of the group. He will be a good leader and will care greatly for the rest of the kangaroos. He will be very strong minded and will always have a plan.

All these characters might be subject to change

New Features -

  • Jumping has been tweaked to look more realistic. I'm still not one hundred percent happy with it and I can't work out why it looks off. Feedback on that would be appreciated
  • On the falling/submitting animation you are pushed back which, to me, makes it look a lot better than it did
  • The game can now handle more than one NPC in a single level. I had to change more than I expected to get this working but now it should be a piece of cake to add the rest of them
  • More dialogue was added including a conversation between Bouncer and Pouncer and unique dialogue for after you've fought either of the NPCs
  • Bobber and his dialogue have been added
  • NPCs now can pass through you if you're already looking at/talking to another NPC. This makes it so that they don't just pool up in front of you and instead seem like they're minding their own business
  • Added Bounder and some sample dialogue for him
  • Added basic tiles and background. These are all preliminary, expect them to change
  • You no longer have to destroy your shift key to fight. You can simply hold shift to keep kicking
  • Implemented background parallax to give more realistic depth 
  • You can now hold jump

About this Development Log

Over the course of the next week I will be adding more characters as we come up with them. Instead of making a DevLog for each new character (or even every few) I will keep updating this DevLog with the new additions.


Build 5 Play in browser
Jan 23, 2020


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Wow! Looks like a lot has happened in a few days!

I'm trying not to take too much of break while I'm still super interested. I'll have plenty of time for that when I'm sick of the project hehe